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The Healthy Way To Lose Weight

In today’s fast-paced society, it has become quite normal for many people to want more, to have better, fly higher and run faster. Finding the healthy way to lose weight has never been harder.It is so easy nowadays to turn to processed foods for convenience because they are easier to prepare and there is less cleaning up afterwards, even though there is no doubt a dishwasher under the sink! Unfortunately, the time that we save is often wasted, and less time is spent with families.

Weight and stress related illnesses are at ab all time high. Around 65% of Americans are overweight, and a third of those are classed as ‘obese’. It is no little wonder why diabetes, cardiac disease, strokes and cancer are at such astronomical levels. In recent years the urge to lessen weight related illnesses has forced many to turn to the weight loss industry, which has been enough to meet their needs. But with the number of over the counter and some prescription drugs having an advers affect on the body, finding the healthy way to lose weight has become much harder.

It does not help when the media portray unrealistic ( and air-brushed) pictures of slim, beautiful models and actresses. The movie industry has now shifted the ‘skinny look’ is good syndrome to the ‘looking fit’ is attractive syndrome. The word ‘diet’, does not necessarily mean losing weight but eating healthily for proper nutrition. Some people try a starvation diet – or taking much less calories than they need to survive – and only find that they have put their body in starvation mode. Once they go back to former eating habits they gain even more weight than they had before.

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